
Spirals are visually appealing thanks to their similarity to the golden ratio.

Imagine a snail shell. It starts off in the centre with a very tight, tiny curl. Each successive ring gets wider, growing the shell exponentially. This pattern is present all over nature - from molluscs to rams' horns, spiders' webs to the nerves of the cornea. Spirals relate to the golden ratio, a form the human eye is capable of interpreting faster than any other.


Spirals collection

Shop items with spiral patterns and create the most inspiring environments that fit your style. Find Wall Art with Spirals, Wallpaper, Designer Art, and much more.

Allowed to Grow, Edition 5 Original Artist Poster
Your environment shapes you.
Our customers loved this item to design environments that support the best version of themselves.
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Designer's choice
Kenyan Pink Preserved Roses
To focus only on rooms' aesthetics and functionality is not enough. Designers choose these stunning products that also care about their environmental impact.
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